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Welcome to my blog, I'm Rick and mainly a react dev with a deep interest in creative industries and general 3D.

I am a creative frontend developer, I specialise in React, GLSL, postprocessing and R3F. I love to experiment with code and deal with complex topics.

Abstract Blob Shader with Particles

Thefrontdev's take on an abstract blob which mimics an explosive type of event in space. Written in GLSL and using noise/particles/points with smoke textures on them. All built with the Three.js builtin materials and using onBeforeCompile to get all the standard light calculations from the builtin material.

August 8th, 2023 · 4 min read

Realtime Displacement Maps using CanvasTextures in React Three Fiber

A very quick walkthrough for doing realtime displacement of a subdivided plane using displacement maps in Three.js. This has a wide number of applications, for example terrain tools much like in unity, real time growth patterns or some sort of animated displacement. Combined with emission and potential postprocessing you could create some pretty cool projects with this technique.

August 8th, 2023 · 2 min read
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